(function( $ ){ /** * Setting up functionality for woo category menu */ function BosaConstructionShopCatMenuAccordion( selector ){ var $ele = selector + ' .header-category-nav .menu-item-has-children > a'; $( $ele ).each( function(){ var text = $( this ).text(); text = text + ''; $( this ).html( text ); }); jQuery( document ).on( 'click', $ele + ' .triangle', function( e ){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $parentLi = $( this ).parent().parent( 'li' ); $childLi = $parentLi.find( 'li' ); if( $parentLi.hasClass( 'open' ) ){ /** * Closing all the ul inside and * removing open class for all the li's */ $parentLi.removeClass( 'open' ); $childLi.removeClass( 'open' ); $( this ).parent( 'a' ).next().slideUp(); $( this ).parent( 'a' ).next().find( 'ul' ).slideUp(); }else{ $parentLi.addClass( 'open' ); $( this ).parent( 'a' ).next().slideDown(); } }); }; jQuery( document ).ready( function() { BosaConstructionShopCatMenuAccordion( '#offcanvas-menu' ); }); })( jQuery );